See documents on the right for:
​​​​​​​- Franklin Softball Association By-Laws
- Franklin Softball Association Constitution


The 2023/2024 Softball Association registration form will be open for new registrations soon.

There are three steps to the registration process:

1. Register Players 

2. Enter your Teams

3. Assign Players to Teams​​​​​​​​​​​​


It's easy to email members who registered with your Club last season an invitation to re-register for 2023/2024 season - see How to invite your database back to re-register. 

This saves people having to re-enter their details, instead they simply click on the invite link they are emailed, and it opens the 2023/2024 form prefilled with their last seasons details. 


Ground registrations are completed via the Clubs online registration forms. Select the following when filling out the registration form for the Club you are Ground registering with:

GRADE: Ground Registered Players
TEAM: Ground Registered Players

For more information on Ground Registering, see documents on the right.

See documents on the right for:
- Local Transfer Form
- Inter-Association Transfer Form
- International Clearance


​​​​​​​Loan Player - click here for the Franklin Loan Player Application Form​​​​​​​

Inter-Association Loan Player Form - see documents on the right.


Player Dispensation 

Player dispensation requests are to be emailed to the Franklin email address as soon as possible prior to the start of the season and are intended to be used as a last resort.

1. A dispensation will be granted for a maximum of two (2) seasons for each player for the duration of their junior playing career.
2. A maximum of two (2) dispensations can be granted per team.
3. Acceptance of dispensation will be granted in order of the following priority   
- playing ability   
- no other junior or senior team available   
- to make up team numbers   
- personal circumstances
4. Dispensated players cannot trial for representatives and cannot play in a higher grade including seniors.
5. The timeframe for processing dispensation requests is 14 days. It is recommended that these requests are submitted to the office as soon as possible prior to the start of the season.

​​​​​​​Team Dispensation

All requests for dispensation/alteration to the official draw must be submitted via the online form at least fourteen days before the game.

Dispensation shall be granted on the following basis only and is not available for non-softball related reasons i.e. Weddings:

a) If pitcher, catcher and one other player from one team are called to represent Franklin Softball Association at Inter-Provincial Tournaments or attend training camps or national duties.
b) Or any four (4) players from one team are called to represent Franklin Softball Association at InterProvincial Tournaments or attend training camps or national duties.
c) Where a team is entered into an SNZ recognised tournament, at least twenty-eight (28) days’ notice is required.​​​​​​​

Sporty User Guide covers registration and more.

Check it out here!